Even when you have major medical coverage for yourself, it is a good idea to check out supplemental insurance policies. These products can cover events that might slip through the cracks of your main policies and can save you from potential financial strife. Although most major insurance coverages will protect against the catastrophic, it pays to cover all your bases when it comes to being insured. Here is a look at ten insurance products that can give you even more peace of mind.
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2. Cancer Insurance - Covering a specific disease may seem like going too far. However, with high deductibles as the norm and cancer diagnosis on the rise it is a great plan to protect your family with. It can even cover experimental treatments and travel.
3. Critical Illness Insurance - In the unfortunate event that you get certain critical illnesses, this policy will pay out a tax free lump sum benefit to you or your family.
4. Dental Insurance - Dentists are not cheap! They are worth the money, as your smile truly is a valuable thing. Paying for regular dental visits is one thing, but more advanced dental work can and does get expensive. Dental policies are a great investment to not only protect that beautiful smile but your general health as well.
5. Disability Insurance - In the event that you are out of work due to any type injury or illness, it would be tough for most people to go without a paycheck for very long. This policy pays you a percentage of your normal earnings to keep you going while out of a job.
6. Hospital Indemnity Insurance - If you have spent any time in a hospital, you know it is very expensive. This coverage will pay what a basic health plan does not. This is very useful especially for longer hospital stays where you will be forced to pay the out of pocket maximum on your health plan as well as other costs.
6. Hospital Indemnity Insurance - If you have spent any time in a hospital, you know it is very expensive. This coverage will pay what a basic health plan does not. This is very useful especially for longer hospital stays where you will be forced to pay the out of pocket maximum on your health plan as well as other costs.
7. Identity Theft Coverage - With identity theft becoming more and more popular among criminals, you would be wise to cover this issue. Sorting out the mess left by identity theft can be a huge undertaking, sometimes taking years to untangle, and if you want it resolved correctly, it is best to let the experts fix the issue. This policy can cover any money lost and the company that covers you will work to undo any damage done to your credit.
8. Legal Plans - These all-inclusive policies provide affordable, legal services that will meet your basic legal needs. Using this coverage can save you the headache of researching lawyers when the need for one does arise. Check individual policies to see exactly what will be covered.
9. Life Insurance - Of course you love your family and want to care for them always. That includes the time after you are no longer here to do that. This policy is one of the most caring things a person can do for the future of their family.
10. Vision Insurance - Whether you wear contact lenses or traditional glasses, the costs continue to rise. Vision insurance will take that expense off your shoulders. It can also be used for cataract problems or other serious eye issues down the road.
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